Monday, October 30, 2017

White Violet and Doll Blankets

First I want to tell everyone I am under the weather with Shingles.  This is my 4th time and they are no fun.  Rash is not to bad but the nerve pain is horrible.  It is hard to even get dressed sometimes.  Hope no one out there ever gets them.   So not much done this month.

This is my White Violet in bloom right now.

The 6 Doll Blankets for the Giving Doll this month.


  1. Shingles are dreadful and to get them four times must be unbearable. I hope that you feel better soon. I had them once and that was plenty for me!

  2. As soon as you recover, go and get your shingles shot!!

  3. take care and get better soon

  4. very beautiful and so lovely work :) i like your good idea ,Thanks for the inspiration!



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